Copy the installer file to the machine you want to install the app
on, and open it there.
Run Zulip from the Start menu.
APT (Ubuntu or Debian)
The app will be updated automatically to future versions when you do a
regular software update on your system, e.g., with
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade.
Make the file executable, with
chmod a+x Zulip-x.x.x-x86_64.AppImage from a terminal (replace
x.x.x with the actual app version of the downloaded file).
Run the file from your app launcher, or from a terminal. This file is the
Zulip app, so no installation is required.
Run Zulip from your app launcher, or with zulip from a terminal.
Make sure you have Flatpak installed on your
Use the following command from the official
Flathub page to install Zulip:
flatpak install flathub org.zulip.Zulip
After the installation is complete, you can run Zulip using the following
flatpak run org.zulip.Zulip
Install a beta release
Get a peek at new features before they're released!
Most systems
Linux with APT
The app will update automatically to future versions.
Go to the Zulip releases page on GitHub, and find the latest
version tagged with the “Pre-release” label.
If there's a Pre-release that's more recent than the latest release,
download the appropriate Zulip beta installer or app for your system.
To install and run Zulip, refer to the instructions for your operating
system in the Install the latest release
section above.
The app will be updated automatically to future versions when you do a
regular software update on your system, e.g., with
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade.